Suppliers of:
Quality Screen Printing Products
We have been involved in the Screen Printing Industry in Australia for over 40 years.
Our staff are qualified to help with your screen printing job large or small.
Who we are
About Us
Australian Screen Printing Supplies (ASPS) is a WA owned and operated family business with over 40 years experience in the industry. ASPS have a full range of quality products to suit all screen printing processes and needs. ASPS caters for the experienced through to novice screen printer.
Distributor of screen printable
materials and screen printing consumables
From T-Shirt Printing in both Water Based and Plastisol Inks to full industrial printing on Metal, Glass, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Colourbond and more….
Stencilling & Remeshing Service

Variety of Inks
BIG or small.

High Quality Products
Australian Screen Printing Supplies stock all recognised Screen Printing Supplies from:
Union/Rutland/Avient Plastisol, Permaset/Magna Waterbased and Prismatic Solvent Inks.
Kiwo, Franmar, Chromaline, Murakami, and Ulano Emulsions and Consumables.
AlbaChem and Anchorweld Spray Adhesives.

Affordable Printing Inks
Our Permaset Waterbased Inks are available from 300ml up to 15 Litres.
Magna Waterbased Inks are available from 1Litre to 15 Litres
Union/Rutland/Avient Plastisol Inks are available in
1 Quart – 1 Gallon.
Prismatic Inks come in 1 Kg to 20 Litres.