Infinite FX Glow-In-Dark / Intense Kosmic Glow

Suitable for direct print or cold peel transfer application.
Produces a high intensity phosphorescent glow effect with long lasting afterglow
Excellent glow properties and wash durability.
K2915 Curable Reducer – 5 % Max.
Count: 34-62 t/cm
Tension: 25-35 n/cm2
2 over 2
Off Contact: .2cm
Polyplus SRX
Murakami TXR
Magnacure UDC-Ace
Product Description
Avient Specialty Ins INFINITE FX GLOW-IN-THE-DARK and INTENSE KOSMIC GLOW produce a high intensity, phosphorescent, greenish glow-in-the-dark effect when exposed to light and viewed in a darken area. Intense Kosmic Glow inks provide high intensity and maintain a long duration. Infinite FX Glow-in-Dark inks provide high intensity for a shorter duration.
Printing Tips:
Stir inks before printing
Use consistent, high-tensioned screen mesh and sharp edged squeegees for best print results.
Best “glow” results when printed directly onto light coloured fabric or over a light coloured underlay when printing on dark fabrics.
Intense Kosmic Glow is a state-of-the-art phosphorecent ink with maximum glow intensity and duration.
Tintable with plastisol colorants. See Pigment Loading section for suggested percentages. Limit the % colorant added to maintain best glow properties.
Avoid excess cure temperatures as this can damage the phosphorescent pigment.
For cold peel transfers on darks, use a coated release paper or polyester film. Print using 70 duro squeegee and recommended mesh counts, gel and then backed with light coloured ink and followed by adhesive. Gel at 100deg C for 60 secs. Apply transfer with heat press at 170deg C for 10-12 sec at medium pressure. Verify process.
Pigment Loading:
up to 5% Wilflex PC
up to 5% Wilflex EQ
up to 5% Wilflex MX/RIO
up to 5% Rutland C3 Boosters
Available in Phosphorescent Green, Phosphorescent White, Intense Kosmic Glow and Luna Clear