Creates a printed graphic that feels like suede
Tintable for infinite color combinations
Excellent adhesion to fabrics, stretch
properties, and wash durability
Use by itself or intermix with other Infinite
FX Bases for unlimited design effects
Suitable for high density or conventional flat
Count: 120-140 t/cm
Tension: 25-35 n/cm2
2 over 2
Off Contact: .2cm
Emulsion Over Mesh N/A
Product Description
Use consistent, high-tensioned screen mesh and sharp edged squeegees for best print results.
Recommended mesh counts can vary depending on particle size
For best HD results, use open mesh counts with 200 – 400 micron capillary film and print-flashprint. Use a heavy flood to fully fill the open areas of the stencil with ink then print with medium
squeegee pressure
Best results when printed directly onto fabric
Tintable with plastisol colorants. See Pigment Loading section for suggested starting tinting
percentages. Reduce the amount of white colorant in the formula as specialty base will lighten
the color
Adjusting cure temperature and dwell time will yield a variety of textured effects
Cure between 340-350°F (170-175°C) and increase dwell time to assure cure and to achieve
desired cracking effect
After the print is cooled, “crack by hand” by stretching the printed area for a custom distressed
Pigment Loading
up to 10% Wilflex PC
up 10 15% Wilflex EQ
up to 30% Wilflex MX/RIO
Up to 15% Rutland C3 Boosters
Soft Texture Range