Maximum final cure 7 days.
Thinner Wash Up
Retarder ER182
Wash Up ER180
Polyplus SRX
Murakami SR
Poly – Plus Z
Colour Range
9 Standard
8 Basic
Pantone plus Black and White.
Special colours as required.
Product Description
The Two Can Epoxy ink series exhibit excellent solvent and chemical resistance and offer a high degree of adhesion to a variety of difficult to print surfaces.
As the name indicates the Two Can Epoxy ink series is a two can system that dries by polymerisation. A catalyst FER176 added prior to use, initiates the polymerisation process. The system will NOT dry or cure without the addition of catalyst.
After the addition of catalyst the ink system will air dry to a tack free state in approximately 2 hours, but 7 days are required for the film to fully cure to maximum adhesion and chemical resistance. If force drying or baking, the time to complete cure is as follows:
120Deg. C (250Deg.F) for 10 minutes. 150 Deg. C (300 Deg. F) for 7 minutes. 180Deg. C (350 Deg.F) for 4 minutes.
Substrate and End-Use
The Two Can Epoxy ink system has displayed excellent adhesion to a wide range of industrial substrates including most metals, glass, treated Polyethylene, treated Polypropylene, Powder coated surfaces to name but a few. For a comprehensive list of suitable substrates refer to the A.S.I. ink selector chart.
Two Can Epoxy inks are NOT suitable for vinyl substrates.
Two Can Epoxy Color Range
Note that colours shown on screen can vary to true ink colours.
Primrose Yellow - 30
Light Blue - 52
Basic Rhodamine - 03
Lemon Yellow - 32
Royal Blue - 57
Basic Purple - 04
Golden Yellow - 34
Permanent Blue - 59
Basic Reflex Blue - 05
Orange - 24
Basic Yellow - 00
Basic Process Blue - 06
Fire Red - 22
Basic Warm Red - 01
Basic Green - 07
Emerald Green - 42
Basic Rubine - 02
White - 112
Black - 111
Additives Available
- Silver Powder – FSU-132
- Epoxy Catalyst – FER-176
- Mixing Clear – FER-170
- Sharp Print Compound – FSU-178
- Matt Paste – FSU-5935
- Gold Powder – SU5656
- Pro-Pack Clear (Part A) – FSU3780
- Pro-Pack Clear (Part B) – FSU3781
- Thinner and Retarder