Touch dry approx 30 minutes, full cure after 7 days or as per baking schedule.
Thinner Wash Up
Thinner FUC180
Retarder FUC182
Wash Up FSU5112
Mono Filament fabric 62t to 140t.
Polyplus SRX
Murakami SR
Approx 55 sq mt per kg.
Pre-test all substrates.
Colour Range
9 Standard
8 Basic
Pantone plus Black and White.
Special colours as required.
Product Description
Urocure is a two-pack, pigmented, Urethane ink system requiring the addition of a reactive catalyst to initiate the cure process; the inks exhibit excellent adhesion to a wide range of substrates along with exceptional weather ability and chemical resistance properties.
Outstanding adhesion results have been achieved on glass, ceramics, metals and some thermo-setting plastics. Fully cured prints display an exceptional resistance to a range of hydrocarbon solvents including petroleum. However, due to the wide variety of different substrates available and final print resistance qualities required, Full product evaluation remains the responsibility of the end user.
Urocure is sold as a Part A (ink component) and Part B (catalyst) system. The mixing ratio being 90% Part A (ink) to 10% Part B (catalyst), or 9 parts ink to 1 part catalyst by weight.
The mixed product displays exceptional shelf life for a two-pack system remaining usable for a minimum of 24 hours after mixing depending on prevailing weather conditions.
The catalysed inks will touch dry in approximately 30 minutes with full cure 7 days by air-drying. Depending on the substrate ability to withstand heat the ink may be fully cured by baking at a temperature of 100 o C for 10 minutes.
It is not necessary to bake each colour separately on a multi-colour job. After the first colour has been applied and sufficient time allowed, approximately 1 to 3 hours allowing all free solvent to evaporate from the ink film the second colour may be applied. Both colours may then be cured simultaneously by using the previously mentioned baking schedule or allowing to air-dry to full cure after 7 days.
Catalysed inks may be thinned up to 10% with Urocure Thinner FUT180 or up to 10% Urocure Retarder FUT182 to slow the overall drying rate in hot conditions.
An addition of up to 10% of Universal Sharp Print Compound FSU178 may be used to improve the sharpness of print results.
Urocure Color Range
Note that colours shown on screen can vary to true ink colours.
Primrose Yellow - 30
Light Blue - 52
Basic Rhodamine - 03
Lemon Yellow - 32
Royal Blue - 57
Basic Purple - 04
Golden Yellow - 34
Permanent Blue - 59
Basic Reflex Blue - 05
Orange - 24
Basic Yellow - 00
Basic Process Blue - 06
Fire Red - 22
Basic Warm Red - 01
Basic Green - 07
Emerald Green - 42
Basic Rubine - 02
White - 112
Black - 111
Additives Available
- Catalyst – FUT 176
- Mixing Clear – FUT 170
- Thinners – FUT-180
- Retarder – FUT-182
- Screenwash – FUT-184